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BRENDA support pyranose dehydrogenase (acceptor)

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Word Map on EC


a pyranose
a pyranos-2-ulose (or a pyranos-3-ulose or a pyranos-2,3-diulose)
reduced acceptor


AbPDH1, dehydrogenase, pyranose 2/3-, PDH, PDH AM, PDH AX, PDH1, PDH2, PDH3, pyranose 2-dehydrogenase, pyranose 2/3-dehydrogenase, pyranose 3-dehydrogenase, pyranose dehydrogenase, pyranose dehydrogenase 1, pyranose dehydrogenase 2, pyranose dehydrogenase 3, pyranose-quinone oxidoreductase, pyranose/acceptor oxidoreductase, pyranose:acceptor oxidoreductase, pyranose:quinone acceptor 2-oxidoreductase, quinone-dependent pyranose dehydrogenase


     1 Oxidoreductases
         1.1 Acting on the CH-OH group of donors
             1.1.99 With unknown physiological acceptors
       pyranose dehydrogenase (acceptor)

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Substrates Products on EC - pyranose dehydrogenase (acceptor)

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2,3-didehydro-D-glucose + 1,4-benzoquinone
3-dehydro-D-glucose + hydroquinone
show the reaction diagram
2-dehydro-D-xylose + 1,4-benzoquinone
2,3-didehydro-D-xylose + hydroquinone
show the reaction diagram
2-dehydrolactose + acceptor
2,3-didehydrolactose + reduced acceptor
show the reaction diagram
2-deoxy-D-galactose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
2-deoxy-D-glucose + 1,4-benzoquinone
show the reaction diagram
49% of the activity with D-glucose
2-deoxy-D-glucose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
2-deoxy-D-glucose + ferricenium ion
show the reaction diagram
21% of the activity with D-glucose
2-hydroxymethylphenyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
salicin, relative activity towards D-glucose (100%): 78%
3-dehydro-D-glucose + 1,4-benzoquinone
2,3-didehydro-D-glucose + hydroquinone
show the reaction diagram
3-fluoro-3-deoxy-D-glucose + acceptor
? + reduced acceptor
show the reaction diagram
4-hydroxyphenyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
6-deoxy-D-glucose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
relative activity towards D-glucose (100%): 105%
a pyranoside + acceptor
3,4-didehydropyranoside + reduced acceptor
show the reaction diagram
a pyranoside + acceptor
a 3,4-didehydropyranoside + reduced acceptor
show the reaction diagram
a pyranoside + acceptor
a 3-dehydropyranoside (or 3,4-didehydropyranoside) + reduced acceptor
show the reaction diagram
a pyranoside + acceptor
a 3-dehydropyranoside + reduced acceptor
show the reaction diagram
aldopyranose + 1,4-benzoquinone
2-aldoketose + hydroquinone
show the reaction diagram
more active as electron acceptor than 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol or ferricyanide, less active than 3,5-di-tert-butyl-1,2-benzoquinone, several oligosaccharides and glycopyranosides are converted to the corresponding 2-aldoketoses/aldosuloses
aldopyranose + 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol
2-aldoketose + reduced 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol
show the reaction diagram
65.9% of the activity with 1,4-benzoquinone as electron acceptor, several oligosaccharides and glycopyranosides are converted to the corresponding 2-aldoketoses/aldosuloses
aldopyranose + 3,5-di-tert-butyl-1,2-benzoquinone
2-aldoketose + reduced 3,5-di-tert-butyl-1,2-benzoquinone
show the reaction diagram
aldopyranose + ferricyanide
2-aldoketose + ferrocyanide
show the reaction diagram
10.4% of the activity with 1,4-benzoquinone as electron acceptor, several oligosaccharides and glycopyranosides are converted to the corresponding 2-aldoketoses/aldosuloses
aldopyranose + quinone
2-aldoketose + hydroquinone
show the reaction diagram
C-2 specific sugar oxidoreductase, highly nonspecific, several oligosaccharides and glycopyranosides are converted to the corresponding 2-aldoketoses/aldosuloses
alpha,alpha-trehalose + 1,4-benzoquinone
3,3'-didehydro-alpha,alpha-trehalose + hydroquinone
show the reaction diagram
alpha,alpha-trehalose + acceptor
3,3'-didehydro-alpha,alpha-trehalose + reduced acceptor
show the reaction diagram
relative activity towards D-glucose (100%): 27%
beta-lactose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
beta-lactose + ferricenium hexafluorophosphate
show the reaction diagram
cellobiitol + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
relative activity towards D-glucose (100%): 77%
cellobiose + 1,4-benzoquinone
show the reaction diagram
cellobiose + 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol
2-dehydro-cellobiose + reduced 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol
show the reaction diagram
cellobiose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
relative activity towards D-glucose (100%): 70%
cellobiose + Fe3+
show the reaction diagram
cellobiose + ferricenium ion
show the reaction diagram
7% of the activity with D-glucose
cellobiose + ferricenium ion
? + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
cellobiose + ferrocenium ion
2-dehydro-cellobiose + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
cellotetraose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
relative activity towards D-glucose (100%): 14%
cellotriose + 1,4-benzoquinone
show the reaction diagram
56% of the activity with D-glucose
D-allose + 1,4-benzoquinone
2-dehydro-D-allose + hydroquinone
show the reaction diagram
30% of the activity with D-glucose
D-allose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
relative activity towards D-glucose (100%): 15%
D-allose + ferricenium ion
? + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
D-arabino-2-hexosulose + 1,4-benzoquinone
show the reaction diagram
59% of the activity with D-glucose
D-arabinose + 1,4-benzoquinone
2-dehydro-D-arabinose + hydroquinone
show the reaction diagram
18% of the activity with D-glucose
D-arabinose + ferricenium hexafluorophosphate
show the reaction diagram
D-cellobiose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
D-fructose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
D-fructose + Fe3+
show the reaction diagram
D-fructose + ferricenium ion
? + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
D-galactose + 1,4-benzoquinone
2-dehydro-D-galactose + hydroquinone
show the reaction diagram
D-galactose + 1,4-benzoquinone
show the reaction diagram
66% of the activity with D-glucose
D-galactose + acceptor
2-dehydro-D-galactose + reduced acceptor
show the reaction diagram
relative activity towards D-glucase (100%): 99%
D-galactose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
D-galactose + benzoquinone
2,3-didehydro-D-galactose + hydroquinone
show the reaction diagram
two main reaction products
D-galactose + benzoquinone
2-dehydro-D-galactose + hydroquinone
show the reaction diagram
D-galactose + Fe3+
2-dehydro-D-galactose + Fe2+ + H+
show the reaction diagram
D-galactose + ferricenium ion
show the reaction diagram
60% of the activity with D-glucose
D-galactose + ferricenium ion
? + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
D-galactose + ferrocenium ion
2-dehydro-D-galactose + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
D-glucono-1,5-lactone + 1,4-benzoquinone
show the reaction diagram
D-glucono-1,5-lactone + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
relative activity towards D-glucose (100%): 42%
D-glucono-1,5-lactone + ferricenium ion
show the reaction diagram
8% of the activity with D-glucose
D-glucosamine + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
3-dehydro-D-glucose + Fe2+ + H+
show the reaction diagram
pH 8.5
D-glucose + 1,4-benzoquinone
2,3-didehydro-D-glucose + hydroquinone
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + 1,4-benzoquinone
2-dehydro-D-glucose + ?
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + 1,4-benzoquinone
2-dehydro-D-glucose + hydroquinone
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + 1,4-benzoquinone
3-dehydro-D-glucose + hydroquinone
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + 1,4-benzoquinone
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + 2 1,4-benzoquinone
2,3-didehydro-D-glucose + 2 hydroquinone
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)
2-dehydro-D-glucose + reduced 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + 2,2'-azino-bis[3-ethylbenzothiazoline]-6-sulfonic acid
2-dehydro-D-glucose + ?
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + 2,2'-azino-bis[3-ethylbenzothiazoline]-6-sulfonic acid
3-dehydro-D-glucose + ?
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + 2,5-chloro-1,4-benzoquinone
show the reaction diagram
pH 5
D-glucose + 2,6-dichloroindophenol
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol
2-dehydro-D-glucose + reduced 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + 2-(hydroxymethyl)-6-methoxy-1,4-benzoquinone
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + 2-chloro-1,4-benzoquinone
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + 3,5-di-t-butyl-1,2-benzoquinone
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + 3,5-di-tert-butyl-1,4-benzoquinone
show the reaction diagram
pH 6
D-glucose + 3-ethylbenzthiazolin-6-sulfonic acid cation radical
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + acceptor
2,3-didehydro-D-glucose + reduced acceptor
show the reaction diagram
dioxidation at C2 and C3
D-glucose + acceptor
2-dehydro-D-glucose + reduced acceptor
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + acceptor
3-dehydro-D-glucose + reduced acceptor
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
relative activity towards D-glucose (100%): 100%
D-glucose + benzoquinone
2,3-didehydro-D-glucose + hydroquinone
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + CuSO4
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + dimethylaminomethyl-ferricenium
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + Fe3+
3-dehydro-D-glucose + Fe2+ + H+
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + ferricenium ion
2-dehydro-D-glucose + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + ferricenium ion
3-dehydro-D-glucose + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + ferricyanide
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + ferrocenium ion
2-dehydro-D-glucose + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + ferrocenium ion
3-dehydro-D-glucose + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + methyl-1,4-benzoquinone
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + O2
2-dehydro-D-glucose + H2O2
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + tetrachloro-1,4-benzoquinone
show the reaction diagram
D-glucose + tetrafluoro-1,4-benzoquinone
show the reaction diagram
D-gulose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
relative activity towards D-glucose (100%): 7%
D-lyxose + 1,4-benzoquinone
show the reaction diagram
5% of the activity with D-glucose
D-lyxose + ferricenium ion
show the reaction diagram
5% of the activity with D-glucose
D-maltoheptaose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
D-maltopentaose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
D-maltose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
D-maltose + Fe3+
show the reaction diagram
D-maltose + ferricenium hexafluorophosphate
show the reaction diagram
D-maltose + ferricenium ion
? + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
D-maltotriose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
D-maltotriose + Fe3+
show the reaction diagram
D-maltotriose + ferricenium hexafluorophosphate
show the reaction diagram
D-mannose + 1,4-benzoquinone
show the reaction diagram
32% of the activity with D-glucose
D-mannose + acceptor
2-dehydro-D-mannose + reduced acceptor
show the reaction diagram
D-mannose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
D-mannose + Fe3+
show the reaction diagram
D-mannose + ferricenium ion
show the reaction diagram
26% of the activity with D-glucose
D-mannose + ferricenium ion
? + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
D-mannose + ferrocenium ion
2-dehydro-D-mannose + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
D-ribose + 1,4-benzoquinone
2-dehydro-D-ribose + hydroquinone
show the reaction diagram
34% of the activity with D-glucose
D-ribose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
relative activity towards D-glucose (100%): 19%
D-ribose + Fe3+
show the reaction diagram
D-ribose + ferricenium ion
? + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
D-ribulose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
relative activity towards D-glucose (100%): 17%
D-sorbose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
D-tagatose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
relative activity towards D-glucoase (100%): 67%
D-talose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
relative activity towards D-glucose (100%): 10%
D-talose + Fe3+
show the reaction diagram
D-talose + ferricenium ion
? + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
D-trehalose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
D-xylobiose + ferricenium ion
show the reaction diagram
D-xylose + 1,4-benzoquinone
2-dehydro-D-xylose + hydroquinone
show the reaction diagram
D-xylose + 1,4-benzoquinone
show the reaction diagram
72% of the activity with D-glucose
D-xylose + 2 1,4-benzoquinone
2,3-didehydro-D-xylose + 2 hydroquinone
show the reaction diagram
D-xylose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
D-xylose + Fe3+
show the reaction diagram
D-xylose + ferricenium hexafluorophosphate
show the reaction diagram
D-xylose + ferricenium ion
show the reaction diagram
81% of the activity with D-glucose
D-xylose + ferricenium ion
? + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
D-xylose + ferrocenium ion
2-dehydro-D-xylose + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
D-xylose + ferrocenium ion
? + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
erlose + 1,4-benzoquinone
3-dehydroerlose + hydroquinone
show the reaction diagram
gentiobiose + ferricenium hexafluorophosphate
show the reaction diagram
L-arabinose + 1,4-benzoquinone
2-dehydro-L-arabinose + hydroquinone
show the reaction diagram
113% of the activity with D-glucose
L-arabinose + 1,4-benzoquinone
show the reaction diagram
54% of the activity with D-glucose
L-arabinose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
L-arabinose + Fe3+
show the reaction diagram
L-arabinose + ferricenium ion
show the reaction diagram
72% of the activity with D-glucose
L-arabinose + ferricenium ion
? + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
L-arabinose + ferrocenium ion
2-dehydro-L-arabinose + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
L-arabinose + ferrocenium ion
? + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
L-fucose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
L-glucose + 1,4-benzoquinone
2-dehydro-L-glucose + hydroquinone
show the reaction diagram
61% of the activity with D-glucose
L-glucose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
relative activity towards D-glucose (100%): 42%
L-glucose + ferricenium ion
show the reaction diagram
11% of the activity with D-glucose
L-sorbose + 1,4-benzoquinone
2-dehydro-L-sorbose + hydroquinone
show the reaction diagram
10% of the activity with D-glucose
L-sorbose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
relative activity towards D-glucose (100%): 5%
L-sorbose + Fe3+
show the reaction diagram
L-sorbose + ferricenium ion
? + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
L-xylobiose + Fe3+
show the reaction diagram
lactose + 1,4-benzoquinone
show the reaction diagram
21% of the activity with D-glucose
lactose + acceptor
2-dehydrolactose + reduced acceptor
show the reaction diagram
lactose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
relative activity towards D-glucose (100%): 15%
lactose + acceptor
lactobiono-1,5-lactone + 2-dehydrolactose + 2,3-didehydrolactose + reduced acceptor
show the reaction diagram
lactose + acceptor
lactobiono-1,5-lactone + reduced acceptor
show the reaction diagram
lactose + Fe3+
show the reaction diagram
lactose + ferricenium ion
? + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
lactose + ferrocenium ion
2-dehydro-lactose + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
lactose + ferrocenium ion
? + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
maltose + 1,4-benzoquinone
show the reaction diagram
maltose + ferricenium ion
show the reaction diagram
45% of the activity with D-glucose
maltose + ferricenium ion
? + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
maltose + ferrocenium ion
2-dehydro-maltose + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
maltotetraose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
relative activity towards D-glucose (100%): 9%
maltotriose + 1,4-benzoquinone
show the reaction diagram
maltotriose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
relative activity towards D-glucose (100%): 12%
maltotriose + ferricenium ion
show the reaction diagram
maltotriose + ferricenium ion
? + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
melezitose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
relative activity towards D-glucose (100%): 13%
melibiose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
relative activity towards D-glucose (100%): 48%
melizitose + 1,4-benzoquinone
3-dehydromelizitose + hydroquinone
show the reaction diagram
methyl alpha-D-glucopyranoside + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
relative activity towards D-glucose (100%): 107%
methyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
relative activity towards D-glucose (100%): 5%
methyl beta-D-glucopyranoside + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
relative activity towards D-glucose (100%): 58%
methyl-alpha-D-galactopyranose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
relative activity towards D-glucose (100%): 17%
methyl-alpha-D-galactopyranoside + 1,4-benzoquinone
show the reaction diagram
11% of the activity with D-glucose
methyl-alpha-D-galactopyranoside + 1,4-benzoquinone
methyl-alpha-3-dehydro-D-galactopyranoside + hydroquinone
show the reaction diagram
methyl-alpha-D-galactopyranoside + ferricenium ion
show the reaction diagram
8% of the activity with D-glucose
methyl-alpha-D-glucopyranoside + 1,4-benzoquinone
show the reaction diagram
141% of the activity with D-glucose
methyl-alpha-D-glucopyranoside + 1,4-benzoquinone
methyl-alpha-3-dehydro-D-glucopyranoside + hydroquinone
show the reaction diagram
methyl-alpha-D-glucopyranoside + ferricenium ion
show the reaction diagram
143% of the activity with D-glucose
methyl-alpha-D-glucopyranoside + ferricenium ion
? + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
methyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside + 1,4-benzoquinone
show the reaction diagram
30% of the activity with D-glucose
methyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside + 1,4-benzoquinone
methyl-beta-3-dehydro-D-glucopyranoside + hydroquinone
show the reaction diagram
methyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside + ferricenium ion
show the reaction diagram
17% of the activity with D-glucose
palatinose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
relative activity towards D-glucose (100%): 89%
pyranose + acceptor
2,3-didehydropyranose + reduced acceptor
show the reaction diagram
pyranose + acceptor
2-dehydropyranose (or 3-dehydropyranose or 2,3-didehydropyranose) + reduced acceptor
show the reaction diagram
pyranose + acceptor
2-dehydropyranose + reduced acceptor
show the reaction diagram
pyranose + acceptor
3-dehydropyranose + reduced acceptor
show the reaction diagram
pyranoside + acceptor
3,4-didehydropyranoside + reduced acceptor
show the reaction diagram
raffinose + ferrocenium ion
show the reaction diagram
sucrose + 1,4-benzoquinone
3'-dehydrosucrose + hydroquinone
show the reaction diagram
quinone-dependent PDH oxidizes sucrose exclusively at C-3 of its terminal glucopyranosyl moiety, 11% of the activity with D-glucose
oxidation of sucrose at C-3 of its terminal glucopyranosyl moiety
sucrose + 1,4-benzoquinone
show the reaction diagram
sucrose + acceptor
3'-dehydrosucrose + reduced acceptor
show the reaction diagram
relative activity towards D-glucose (100%): 46%
sucrose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
sucrose + ferricenium ion
show the reaction diagram
6% of the activity with D-glucose
trehalose + 1,4-benzoquinone
show the reaction diagram
trehalose + ferricenium ion
show the reaction diagram
8% of the activity with D-glucose
xylobiose + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
xylobiose + ferricenium ion
? + ferrocene
show the reaction diagram
xylooligosaccharide + acceptor
show the reaction diagram
additional information