methylxanthine N1-demethylase
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ndmA, P450-d
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Subunits on EC - methylxanthine N1-demethylase
for references in articles please use BRENDA:EC1.14.13.178
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the soluble N-demethylase holoenzyme is composed of two components, a reductase component with cytochrome c reductase activity (Ccr) and a two-subunit N-demethylase component (Ndm). Ndm, with a native molecular mass of 240000 Da, is composed of NdmA (40000 Da) and NdmB (35000 Da). Ccr transfers reducing equivalents from NAD(P)H to Ndm, which catalyses an oxygen-dependent N-demethylation of methylxanthines to xanthine, formaldehyde and water
additional information
the soluble N-demethylase holoenzyme is composed of two components, a reductase component with cytochrome c reductase activity (Ccr) and a two-subunit N-demethylase component (Ndm). Ndm, with a native molecular mass of 240000 Da, is composed of NdmA (40000 Da) and NdmB (35000 Da). Ccr transfers reducing equivalents from NAD(P)H to Ndm, which catalyses an oxygen-dependent N-demethylation of methylxanthines to xanthine, formaldehyde and water