1.3.99.B16: 3-phenylpropionyl-CoA dehydrogenase
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Results | in table |
1 | Natural Substrates/ Products (Substrates) |
1 | Organism |
2 | Pathway |
1 | Reaction |
1 | Reference |
1 | Specific Activity [micromol/min/mg] |
1 | Substrates and Products (Substrate) |
1 | Systematic Name |
Natural Substrates Products
Natural Substrates Products on EC 1.3.99.B16 - 3-phenylpropionyl-CoA dehydrogenase
for references in articles please use BRENDA:EC1.3.99.B16
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3-phenylpropionyl-CoA + acceptor
cinnamoyl-CoA + reduced acceptor
Substrates: -
Products: -
Products: -