staphylopine dehydrogenase
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cntM, SaODH, sav2468, staphylopine synthase
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General Information
General Information on EC - staphylopine dehydrogenase
for references in articles please use BRENDA:EC1.5.1.52
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physiological function
the enzyme catalyses the last reaction in the biosynthesis of the metallophore staphylopine, which is involved in the acquisition of nickel, copper, and cobalt
the enzyme catalyses the last reaction in the biosynthesis of the metallophore staphylopine. The metallophore play an important role in metal acquisition of zinc, cobalt, nickel, and iron and is also associated with the pathogenesis of several disease states
the enzyme catalyses the last reaction in the biosynthesis of the metallophore staphylopine. The metallophore play an important role in metal acquisition of zinc, cobalt, nickel, and iron and is also associated with the pathogenesis of several disease states
the enzyme catalyses the last reaction in the biosynthesis of the metallophore staphylopine, which is involved in the acquisition of nickel, copper, and cobalt
the enzyme catalyses the last reaction in the biosynthesis of the metallophore staphylopine, which is involved in the acquisition of nickel, copper, and cobalt
physiological function
the enzyme catalyses the last reaction in the biosynthesis of the metallophore staphylopine. The metallophore play an important role in metal acquisition of zinc, cobalt, nickel, and iron and is also associated with the pathogenesis of several disease states
physiological function
the enzyme catalyses the last reaction in the biosynthesis of the metallophore staphylopine. The metallophore play an important role in metal acquisition of zinc, cobalt, nickel, and iron and is also associated with the pathogenesis of several disease states
physiological function
the enzyme catalyses the last reaction in the biosynthesis of the metallophore staphylopine, which is involved in the acquisition of nickel, copper, and cobalt