Substrates: incubation of enzyme with chanoclavine-I aldehyde in the presence of NADH does not result in detectable chanoclavine-I, indicating a much lower reaction velocity of the reverse reaction Products: -
an old yellow enzyme (OYE), does not convert chanoclavine-I aldehyde to its shunt products in the absence of FgaFS. Instead, it increases significantly the product yields of several SDRs for the conversion of chanoclavine-I to its aldehyde. Kinetic studies prove that overcoming the product inhibition is responsible for the observed enhancement. Bifunctionality of OYE and synergistic effect with SDRs
the enzyme is involved in the biosynthesis of festuclavine from dimethylallylpyrosphosphate and tryptophane, the ergot alkaloid pathway, overview. The product of the easD reaction, chanoclavine-I aldehyde, serves as a branch point intermediate that may be acted on by the products of different alleles of ergot alkaloid synthesis genes in different lineages to yield lysergic acid and its derivatives in the Clavicipitaceae or various clavine-type ergot alkaloids in the Eurotiales (including Neosartorya and Penicillium species)
the enzyme is involved in the biosynthesis of festuclavine from dimethylallylpyrosphosphate and tryptophane, the ergot alkaloid pathway, overview. The product of the easD reaction, chanoclavine-I aldehyde, serves as a branch point intermediate that may be acted on by the products of different alleles of ergot alkaloid synthesis genes in different lineages to yield lysergic acid and its derivatives in the Clavicipitaceae or various clavine-type ergot alkaloids in the Eurotiales (including Neosartorya and Penicillium species)
the enzyme is involved in the biosynthesis of festuclavine from dimethylallylpyrosphosphate and tryptophane, the ergot alkaloid pathway, overview. The product of the easD reaction, chanoclavine-I aldehyde, serves as a branch point intermediate that may be acted on by the products of different alleles of ergot alkaloid synthesis genes in different lineages to yield lysergic acid and its derivatives in the Clavicipitaceae or various clavine-type ergot alkaloids in the Eurotiales (including Neosartorya and Penicillium species)
the enzyme is involved in the biosynthesis of festuclavine from dimethylallylpyrosphosphate and tryptophane, the ergot alkaloid pathway, overview. The product of the easD reaction, chanoclavine-I aldehyde, serves as a branch point intermediate that may be acted on by the products of different alleles of ergot alkaloid synthesis genes in different lineages to yield lysergic acid and its derivatives in the Clavicipitaceae or various clavine-type ergot alkaloids in the Eurotiales (including Neosartorya and Penicillium species)
the enzyme is involved in the biosynthesis of festuclavine from dimethylallylpyrosphosphate and tryptophane, the ergot alkaloid pathway, overview. The product of the easD reaction, chanoclavine-I aldehyde, serves as a branch point intermediate that may be acted on by the products of different alleles of ergot alkaloid synthesis genes in different lineages to yield lysergic acid and its derivatives in the Clavicipitaceae or various clavine-type ergot alkaloids in the Eurotiales (including Neosartorya and Penicillium species)
the enzyme is involved in the biosynthesis of festuclavine from dimethylallylpyrosphosphate and tryptophane, the ergot alkaloid pathway, overview. The product of the easD reaction, chanoclavine-I aldehyde, serves as a branch point intermediate that may be acted on by the products of different alleles of ergot alkaloid synthesis genes in different lineages to yield lysergic acid and its derivatives in the Clavicipitaceae or various clavine-type ergot alkaloids in the Eurotiales (including Neosartorya and Penicillium species)
the enzyme is involved in the biosynthesis of festuclavine from dimethylallylpyrosphosphate and tryptophane, the ergot alkaloid pathway, overview. The product of the easD reaction, chanoclavine-I aldehyde, serves as a branch point intermediate that may be acted on by the products of different alleles of ergot alkaloid synthesis genes in different lineages to yield lysergic acid and its derivatives in the Clavicipitaceae or various clavine-type ergot alkaloids in the Eurotiales (including Neosartorya and Penicillium species)
gene easD, ergot alkaloid synthesis (eas) genes are found clustered in the genomes of ergot alkaloid-producing fungi, genetic structure, DNA and amino acid sequence determination and comparison with the enzyme sequence from Penicilium biforme. The Penicillium camemberti genome contains a cluster of genes containing homologues to several eas genes and has or had (at one time in its evolutionary past) the ability to produce ergot alkaloids, expression analysis, the mRNAs are processed properly, as the cDNAs contain open reading frames, expression analysis
Genome mining reveals the presence of a conserved gene cluster for the biosynthesis of ergot alkaloid precursors in the fungal family Arthrodermataceae
Ergot alkaloid biosynthesis in Aspergillus fumigatus: Conversion of chanoclavine-I aldehyde to festuclavine by the festuclavine synthase FgaFS in the presence of the old yellow enzyme FgaOx3