cyclopentanone + NADPH + H+ + O2 = 5-valerolactone + NADP+ + H2O - cyclopentanone + NADPH + H+ + O2 = 5-valerolactone + NADP+ + H2O reaction mechanism via key intermediate flavin C4a-peroxide, involving the four-electron reduction of O2 at the expense of a two-electron oxidation of NADPH and a two-electron oxidation of cyclohexanone to epsilon-caprolactone, overview cyclopentanone + NADPH + H+ + O2 = 5-valerolactone + NADP+ + H2O residues Phe450 and Phe156 are important for reaction stereospecificity cyclopentanone + NADPH + H+ + O2 = 5-valerolactone + NADP+ + H2O the reaction mechanism of BVMO with native substrate phenylacetone proceeds via the formation of a Criegee intermediate with anionic character, which is subsequently rearranged via the migration of alkyl group to yield the product ester, reaction mechanism, overview