D195N mutant cannot be recombinantly expressed 758549 E509A/E512A/E513A mutation in isoform Atf1, mutated protein shows 84% localization to lipid droplets -, 737129 H191A about 50% decrease in acyl-CoA hydrolase activity 758549 L511A/L514A/Y518A/L512A mutation in isoform Atf1, loss of membrane association -, 737129 additional information reconstruction of the engineered pathways for production of indole-3-ethanol and indole-3-ethanol acetate from glucose in Escherichia coli strain MG1655, enzyme ATF1 is included catalyzing the formation of indole-3-ethanol acetate from indole-3-ethanol, pathway and method evaluation, overview -, 755994 additional information truncation of amphipathic helices within the N- and C-terminal domains of isoform Atf1 (residues 24-41 and 508-525) impair endoplasmic reticulum localization and membrane association. Mutations of the basic or hydrophobic residues in the N-terminal helix and hydrophobic residues in the C-terminal helix of Atf1 disrupt ER association and subsequent sorting from the ER to lipid droplets. Similar amphipathic helices are found at both ends of isoform Atf2, enabling ER and lipid droplet association. Mutations to the N- and C-terminal helices of Atf2 prevent membrane association -, 737129 R22A/R23A/R36A mutation in isoform Atf2, protein is localized in the cytoplasm -, 737129 W518A/F521/I529A/F532A R36A mutation in isoform Atf2, protein is localized in the cytoplasm -, 737129